How To Be A Player


How To Be A Player

A player is usually defined as a womanizer, gigolo, or female seductress. Every guy wants to be a player and be surrounded by a lot of women and have the attention focused on him. How can you be a player? Here are some tips on how you can be a player:

The first thing that you need to do is to boost your confidence; players are always confident guys and that confidence allows them to hit on women easily. You can become more confident by reciting three positive things about yourself every morning before you start your day.

The second thing that you need to do is to get a makeover; the best players are good looking. It is important to have your own personal style that is clean but in fashion. You should also get a haircut so that you have a new hairdo to match your new wardrobe.

The third thing that you need to do is work on your pick up lines and personality. Women love guys who are charming and have a great personality. There are many pick up lines out there you have to find the ones that you like and use those when you meet women. One great pick up line is, nice to meet you I'm so and so and you are gorgeous! Women like pick up lines that flatter them and make them smile. You should practice saying these pick up lines and add a little smile at the end so that it seems more sincere.

The fourth thing that you need to do is to have the mindset of a player. A player is a hunter and goes out and looks for the perfect girl every time. You need to know what type of girl you like so that you can cater your personality to the type of girl that you like. For instance, if you want to go for shy girls then you should try being a little coy and then go up to her and mention that you saw her standing there by herself. You need to notice things off the bat about the girls that you meet; such as shoes, clothing, personality, favorite drink etc. Being observant can be very helpful when you start talking to these women and want to pick one of them up.

The fifth thing that you need to do is to make yourself the center of attention; women love guys who are the center of attention. You should be outgoing wherever you are especially if it is a public setting such as a party. You need to be the life of the party in order to get a lot of women to want you.

Hopefully, these tips will help you learn how to be a player and get a lot of girls. Being a player takes time because everything is a process but you will soon get your own personal player style.

If you want to discover the secrets of "magnetically" attracting women to you without ever chasing them down and without ever having to approach them, visit my site at How To Be A Player